Thursday 14 October 2010

busy little bummble bee!

I've been busy! Ever since the work on the Eva piece I haven't stopped! Well that's not true I've had to go to work, and have many lazy nights in front of the TV (check out bb4 on Mondays for their horror specials! Now completed Patrick's goblin (left,  Sketched now four more goblins (Chris, Kaffe, Neil and Robin!), however my scanner is broken and has been sent away  to see whats wrong, so in the mean time have been working on character work that was in my back log of work. Including colouring my sla industries head shots

Monday 4 October 2010

Back in the jam!

Great time with photoshop lately finally got the nude Eva Shinn kicker the horrible halfling done!
This meant a great deal to me as since the mac death I felt like I had lost touch with everything I learn't in photo shop the past few years the last thing I did and felt happy with was Elm'ra the Dreanei.
However a few days ago after I have finished the goblin I wanted to work on something and I chose the sketch of Eva from months ago and made a plan each part -the hair, skin, details, background I would work on one session at a time to stop myself getting frustrated and rushing the finish.
I beleived this worked for the best doing it this way actually got me excited about art again, and made me get to work as soon as I finished my job, not only because I wanted to finish it becuase I enjoyed it!
So here is a segment of her (very naked you see!) with the full version on DA just follow the link

Thursday 30 September 2010

Leaving the silly behind me

Finally got the goblin version my myself done and posted, not completely happy but its not meant to be a stand alone piece, will be placed together with other goblin portraits so hopefully she'll look more in place then.
I've made a second blog to post whats been going on in my life and crazy thoughts doctors say its a healthy thing to do especially if you have trouble talking to people in person. So here's the link
So far its full of silly, but still its there.
Currently working on my backlog of sketches to colour, unfortunately my scanner has broken so can't scan any new work in :(

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Well it has been a while....
All I can say is well its been a weird old time, had my contact increased at work, then got bill from council for crazy amount of money, having hormone troubles again, gas bill came and I turned 25
Now I know turning 25 is no big deal but for me it is, my siblings were all settled down married with kids by my age, several friends are getting married this year and next (several younger than me), and several with babies on the way, and I'm still the same way in the same job trying to save each month and failing. I know this blog isn't for this stuff but I need it somewhere or I'll go mad. I just want my life to start now.
Anyway art is been slow, been experimenting with ink shading (only using photoshop to colour not add tones) the test is above (full version on DA). And have been painting again so getting there.

Friday 18 June 2010

I like colours..

Well here is June..I think the weather is looking a bit glum today ah well. But since its June it means sale with means too much stock for our store to take with leaves me this mourning not able to lift my forearms with out them aching. But apart from that things are ok, the same usual problems but we have a roof over our heads.
Art wise a bit all over the place I'll admit currently I'm having modes when I can produce several sketches at once then other evenings with my sketch book on lap unable to put ideas to paper.
But have been productive either way on the left is a close up of a a3 creature concept for a role playing game, the larger versions are on my DA. These I did using 2 different coloured pencils, as a way for me to break out of how I usually do things, this is turn became several character head shots and several other concept sekcthes. Below is what I'm currently working on, yes I've gone back to digital but I wanted to colour this image badly. I had worked on this several months ago however the colour scheme wasn't working and more pressing work came forward. However I was searching my files the other day and tort I would give her another good, now my changing her colours to vivid pinks and purples the dragon warrior suddenly keeps drawing my attention, so hopefully I'll finally get

her done soon :D

Friday 21 May 2010


Well it looks like the summer has finally reached Derby! So heres a sample of my beach girl (full version to lighten the mood. Things starting to get a move on this month, well apart from housework, but more hours at work council stuff sorted and started painting again!
Unfortunately due to sketching madness now have a huge back log of sketches and works to finish digitally so while everyone is enjoying the sun I'll be indoors with my mac. Good Times.
Currently working on colouring a D&D orc named Gretta, then its on to the second part of the city folk works then the dragon people.

Thursday 15 April 2010

New new new

Again delays however this time this wasn't due to being lazy, my old mac died.
I had the machine since 2005 and when it died I was completely lost, most of my work was on my external hard drive but lost a lot of my recent work and sketches, several programs (which and currently reinstalling), and photos.
I handed my mac in to the care of my great friend Niel Munro who believe it or not happens to work in a mac shop! Well it wasn't good my old hard drive was ruined and burnt out. The thing that gets me all year I was saying about how precious I was about my old Mac as I wouldn't be able to afford to replace it and low and behold I had to replace it :(
But the most amazing parents stepped in a gave me the money to buy a shiny new one. So now with double the power of my old one and with all the sketches I did while I was computerless the art is back on track. Here are some samples of the work i've been currently been doing to see the full versions check my DA page.

Monday 15 February 2010

There and back again!

Well again sorry for being gone for so long who knew how busy work will keep you!
Other than work illness has layed me up but with today a little better and a week of from work its art time.
This litte demon on the left can be found on my DA and is my most recent digital work. Currenly working on some tribe designs for a rpg and the same projects as usual.
In personal life have been very busy with work and the past few days have been held up with a flu but now getting better.