Tuesday, 21 July 2009

On the move

Well we're on the move again! This Thursday me and Patrick are moving house. However this does mean I will be without the internet for a few weeks, so this will be my last post for a while. Hopefully will be working so when i'll be back more art uploaded.
In other art news now have my DA portfolio up and running although more work will be done when back on the internet.
Here's the link:
Also been working on some old sketches before the move, such as the fish girl (left), and more fairy art.
However will be doing some comic book art over the next few weeks as well as some concept art for a small film production.
Well i guess this is it for the moment will be back soon..soonish.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

its all go

Again things have been chaos here. Went back to wales to visit family, work none stop, and moving house at the end of the month. So its all go, in the process of moving so may not be another post for a while (like i post weekly lol).
In art news been working on old sketches and doodles lately such as my goblin (left) you can see the full version of him on my DA page. Also been working on dragons and brownies as well as stuff for the comic. Have started work on my call me Kenneth sculpture want to get him done before the move. Have now added over 10cm to his neck just need to broaden his shoulders then the paint job can begin.